Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I bought Topher a potty seat thinking that we might be ready to start potty training....when I gave it to him I started having second thoughts....


Topher before he got hit with a snowball....
Topher after he got hit with a snowball.

Throwing snow

Maura comforting Topher

The kids and their snowman...they were proud!

We had our first big snow last week and the kids were so excited. After a half day of school they got all of their snow gear on and went outside. They were determined to build a snowman so after 2 hours, they did it! Topher and I went out when it was finished and we had a big snowball fight for another hour. After 3 hrs. out in the snow, we all came off and had a big cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows. It was so fun for me to get outside with the kids and be silly and laugh hard.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


My friend Camille and I decided to run the 114th Annual Buffalo Turkey Trot (an 8K race (5 miles)). I was hesitant to do it at first because I've never been a good runner. Even when I was young and in shape it was hard for me to run, but she talked me into it anyway. We started training the first of November and before we knew it was Thanksgiving Day. I was so nervous the night before that I kept waking up every hour scared that my alarm wasn't going to go off. We got there just as the rush of runners started. We learned that was going to be 12,000 runners that day (a Buffalo record)! There were so many people it took us a while to actually get to the starting line, but once we were able to get a little elbow room, we were off! I started out with a big 'ol side ache, but eventually it subsided and I was good to go. We had a good chat, and enjoyed the view and conversation. At one point in the run we were on a little hill and as far as I could see in front of me were runners and as I looked back all I could see in back of me were runners. I know I sound like a first time racer, but I totally enjoyed the whole experience. It was nothing like I've ever done. As we got closer to the finish line we decided to go for the gusto and book it to the end. I got big goose bumps as I crossed the finish line and felt so proud of myself for doing it. I never thought in a million years that I would be able to run 5 miles without stopping and have energy to spare. I was thankful that day for a friend who encouraged me to reach beyond my limits, and for a healthy body that my Heavenly Father gave me to run that race. I will never forget it and I will never forget the feeling of working so hard toward a goal and completing it.
Maura the Native American.

I got to help in Maura's class when they had their Thanksgiving party. The kids were all dressed up like Native Americans because they learned about the first Thanksgiving. We got to play all kinds of fun games and the kids sang some songs. It was so cute!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Silly kids and unexpected visitors

I put my kids to work this week (actually they volunteered) and Topher was pulling out all of the stops. This is what we call "Extreme Mopping". He was on his belly just mopping away.

Maura wanted to show everyone this leaf she found that was bigger than her head.

Peek a Boo!

We looked out the window and found these visitors just beyond our backyard. If you look closely you can see five of them. They actually let me get pretty close to take their picture and then I left them to finish their snack...so cool!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! We hope your Halloween was as good as ours!

Topher tucked away in the back of the car

Enjoying the spoils of Trunk or Treat

Charlie's Angels? All of our "angels" are in the pic above (moms can have fun too...right?)

We never get pictures together so I had to add this one too.

Our Halloween dessert

Ready for Trunk or Treat (mom: CRNA, Timmy: Bumblebee, Maura: Tinkerbell, Topher: Fireman)

This was the only pic I could get of Topher with his hat on and it was with my phone...sorry for the orientation.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Poor Timmy

Sunday night wasn't a very good night. Timmy woke up at about 11:00 with non stop coughing. He'd not been feeling very well and he was just getting worse. He was scaring me a little bit so I decided I had better take him in to ER. When we got there they immediately made him put on a mask and got us right in. After we was swabbed for the swine flu and had chest x-rays (which took about 3 hrs), we found out that he had pneumonia, 2 ear infections, and pink eye. Poor Timmy. That is a lot of sickness for a little boy to have all at one time. Let's hope he feels better soon.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Great Pumpkin Farm

This weekend we decided to go to the Great Pumpkin farm to let the kids ride the rides (that were way overpriced) and see the animals. They loved riding the carnival rides and their favorite ride was the the tilt o whirl. My stomach hurt so bad from laughing while they were riding that ride. Every time they came around they had a different look on their faces, like: joy, terror, nausea, dizziness...it was hilarious. Then we got to see all kinds of different animals but they really loved the tiny goats because they would eat out of their hands. We went to McDonalds for dinner and as we were getting out of the car, Timmy announced that "Today is the best day EVER!!" I love how doing fun things with the family can excite them so much as make them so happy.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Maura's First Field Trip

Maura had her first field trip on Monday and I was able to go with her. Maura was so excited that she got to ride the bus. We went to a little farm that let her us pick apples, choose a pumpkin, and feed the animals. I beat the bus back to school after the field trip. I watched Maura groggily get off the bus. The teachers were giggling and said that all of the girls fell asleep on the way home and had to be woken up to get off the bus. Despite being worn out, Maura had a really good time. It was fun to spend the day with her.
Maura and her bus buddy April.
Maura and Mom.

Enjoying the apples she picked.

Picking apples

Trying to find the perfect pumpkin.

Feeding the animals...she adored all of the animals and wasn't a bit nervous to feed and pet them.

Enjoying her lunch at the end of the day.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of School

9/9/09 Was the our first day of school. The kids were so excited and I was too. Timmy is in 1st grade and Maura is in Pre-K. Timmy reassured me that he didn't need me to take him to school or to his class, that he knew where to go, and that he wanted to ride the bus. At first I was a little worried, but then I felt proud that is becoming so independent and agreed to let him go by himself (even though he admitted to me that he was going to miss me while he was at school...those things are worth a million dollars). Maura was excited too. She has the afternoon session and asked me all day long if we were going to be late and if it was time to go. When we got to the school, she went into the door and never looked back, but when she got home she asked me if I cried while she was gone because I missed her so much...what a sweet little girl. I have to admit that I wasn't that sad for school to start this year...more excited than anything; excited for them to start a new adventure.

The new backpack

Waiting for the bus

Heading to the corner

away he goes...

The new backpack...about as big as she is.

Ready to go in and start!