Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kids are so honest

I tried to cute TJ and Timmy's hair in the past, but it just didn't turn out really well. I started sending to the Great Clips, cause they just looked better afterwards. Since times are getting a little tighter with money, I decided to give hair cutting another shot. I bought a new set of clippers and decided to practice on Timmy. Last night after his hair cut and shower he told T.J., "Dad, Mom need some more practice cutting hair, cause I just don't look the same!" I admit, its not the best hair cut ever, but now I know what to do better next time (if Timmy will let me try it again)!


Levi and Suzi said...

Little boys are the best to practice on because if you mess up, you can always just shave it and it grows back quickly! Good job cutting hair!

Corinne said...

Way to go! I'm proud of you for not giving up. As one who knows a little about this stuff ;) just keep practicing. It's like riding a bike, you have to start out slow and you'll make a few mistakes, but each time you'll learn how to do it a little better. If you have any questions let me know!

Joele and Matt said...

I bet he looks as handsome as ever!

CASSIE said...

I love it! Just buzz him next time...thats what I end up doing! Ranan won't sit still for a cool haircut!