Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kam, Sarah, and Bentley

In the last three weeks we have had 3 sets of visitors. Our first visitors were my brother Kam, his wife Sarah, and their daughter Bentley. They did most of their sight seeing with Drew and Cassie since my kids were still in school, but we still had a blast. We just seemed to be able to pick up where we left off seeing them last. It almost seems like time hadn't passed since we saw them last. On one of the nights they stayed with us we had fondue (a family favorite). Not only did we cook chicken, beef, and veggies, we also dipped fruit, pretzels, and marshmallows in chocolate. It was fabulous! Everyone enjoyed it...especially the kids (notice their messy faces). We are so glad they came to see us. We hope they had a good time!
Fondue Faces

Maura and Bentley playing (they loved each other)

Cassie, Kam, Sarah, Timmy, and Drew

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