Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We have been reading a lot of books this summer. At our library ever time you checked out 10 books we got to put in a raffle ticket to win a bike. When we got home from AZ (post to come soon), we had a message on our phone telling us that we had won the boy's bike! Timmy was so excited. We went to the library the next day to get it. Everyone there made a big deal about it by clapping for Timmy and taking his picture. He felt really special. What a lucky kid. (Now he just needs to learn to ride a bike without training wheels)


Meg and Jeremy said...

Oh wow! That is so awesome! Congrats Timmy!

CASSIE said...

HOW NEAT~ he must have the luck of his daddy!

Sarah Pace said...

How exiting for a little Timmy. Don't you love it when you actually get "Lucky" and win something! Have Fun Timmy!

gantrieb said...

How fun is that! I bet Timmy was lovin' it!

The Favorite said...

That is very exciting. I've never known anyone who's actually won a bike before.

Mugs said...

That bike is SUPER SWEET!!!!! It looks like it was always meant to be Timmy's! Congratulations T!