Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas in Globe

I got the pics out of order, but we spent Christmas with TJ's family. We had fun playing Wii, eating, visiting the firehouse and doing all of our Christmas traditions.
The little boys trying out their Hulk hands.

Looking at what Santa brought.

Ready to do the ornament exchange.

All the kids in their matching jammies.

Visiting the firehouse with the kids. They loved the big trucks.

Tyring to get a descent picture of the kids in their Sunday didn't happen.

The Rubalcava Family


Mugs said...

I LOVE TJ's expression in that last photo....had to click on it to get a closer look! Hahahahaha!

What a fun time!

CASSIE said...

Those last two pictures were HILARIOUS!! Ranan's cry face, and Drew's geeky look! Priceless! You'll have to send me the family and kid pictures you have when you get a chance!

Sarah Pace said...

How lucky that even when it's TJs family christmas you still have your sister there!

You were in thatcher!! I live right down the street from your old house! matt and i always remember you guys being there. glad you got to come back and visit!