Monday, January 19, 2009

Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam

Maura is big enough to go to Sunbeams now! Her first Sunday was last week because we were in Arizona the 1st Sunday in January. Her cousin Jada was there with her last week so she had no problem going, but yesterday was a different story. She had no intention of sitting with her teacher or going to her class. She really misses snacks and toys. It probably didn't help that I was in primary subbing for Timmy class either. We'll try again next week...Dad will probably have to drop her off. We'll keep our fingers crossed.


Joele and Matt said...

Poor Maura! She can do it I just know it!!

CASSIE said...

You know whats funny? Jada had a melt down this Sunday to...what the heck? Never, ever has she done that...they'll get used to it...big changes.