Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Mila!

Mila Moo is 1! Where did the time go? This year has flown by. I can still remember holding her in the hospital. Now she is walking everywhere and is like a tiny tornado. She makes a mess wherever she goes, and as soon as I get one of her messes cleaned up, she makes another one. Good thing she is so cute or I'd thrown her in the garbage. ;) She is waving bye bye, she has 4 top teeth and 3 bottom teeth. She sleeps through the night now, and weighs 19 pounds. Boy what change a year can bring. We love you little miss! Happy Birthday!

Love that cute face!

3 comments: said...

She is a doll! Happy 1st Birthday, it goes much too fast!!!

Unknown said...

happy birthday pretty girl!!!

Mugs said...

Happy belated first birthday to this gorgeous mini-Vanessa! So sweet.