Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Mila!

Mila Moo is 1! Where did the time go? This year has flown by. I can still remember holding her in the hospital. Now she is walking everywhere and is like a tiny tornado. She makes a mess wherever she goes, and as soon as I get one of her messes cleaned up, she makes another one. Good thing she is so cute or I'd thrown her in the garbage. ;) She is waving bye bye, she has 4 top teeth and 3 bottom teeth. She sleeps through the night now, and weighs 19 pounds. Boy what change a year can bring. We love you little miss! Happy Birthday!

Love that cute face!

Valentine's Day

The kids love Valentine's Day. I try to make them something special for breakfast so this year they had pink smoothies and heart shaped cinnamon rolls with pink frosting. Maura like me to do hearts in her hair every year. And me with my minimal hair-doing ability tried 2 hearts this year. They weren't perfect, but Maura was happy and that works for me. I love all 5 of my Valentines!

1st grade concert

Maura and Jada had a 1st grade concert. They did great and they looked super cute! I'm so glad they had the chance to go to school together for a while.

Happy 4th Birthday Toph!

Topher turned 4 on the 5th of February. He was one excited boy. We got up first thing and opened presents. Then we went to church. They sang to him in primary and that made his day. We had dinner with Drew and Cassie. We asked him what he wanted for dinner and he wanted hot dogs. He had a good night opening up presents from the kids and eating cake. Here are 4 fun things about Topher:

He loves to give hugs.
He loves to eat hot dogs, he would eat them everyday if I let him.
He loves to sing especially in primary and in the car.
He loves baths. He would take 3 a day if he could.

I love this little boy. He is so loving and so quick to apologize when he's done wrong. I enjoy his innocence and love being his mother. Happy Birthday Toph!