Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Maura is 8!!

How can Maura be 8 already? Where has the time gone? Just yesterday she was a newborn screaming all day and all day. Now she is a sweet, sensitive, caring young lady. We sure do love her. Here are 8 things about Maura:

1. She is super sensitive.
2. She loves her dog Marley. She will go out and talk and play with her for a long time.
3. She can be known to pout sometimes when she doesn't get her way.
4. She like to have "girls days/nights" with her mom.
5. She helps change Mila's diapers.
6. She just learned to ride her bike without training wheels about 3 weeks ago.
7. She loves to sing, just not in front of a crowd.
8. She needs her beauty sleep. If she doesn't get enough, it is hard to get her out of bed.

St. Patrick's and Easter

On St. Patrick's Day we had some green treats show up over night thanks to some little leprechauns and to celebrate we had green pancakes and green milk. 

We had a good time Easter weekend making bunnies, coloring eggs, and playing egg toss. The Easter Bunny came to see us Saturday and we got all dressed up in our Sunday best Easter morning, but only made it through Sacrament meeting because got called out to work and Topher was running a fever and feeling terrible, but we did manage to get one picture after church before everyone scattered.